Where to Find Traveler’s Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Welcome, fellow adventurers! If you’re on a quest to find the mighty Traveler’s Sword in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you’ve come to the right place. This powerful weapon is a must-have for any brave soul venturing through the vast landscapes of Hyrule. In this guide, we’ll unveil the secret locations where you can obtain this coveted sword. So, grab a warm cup of Lon Lon Milk and let’s get started!

The Great Plateau

Our journey begins on the Great Plateau, where Link’s adventure takes flight. Here, you’ll find yourself in awe of the stunning scenery and the vast opportunities for exploration. The Traveler’s Sword, a reliable weapon for any aspiring hero, can be discovered in multiple locations across this region.

One of the most accessible spots to find the Traveler’s Sword is within the ruins of the Temple of Time. As you wander through the crumbling walls, keep a keen eye out for a treasure chest buried beneath the debris. Inside, you’ll be rewarded with the gleaming Traveler’s Sword.

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Another spot worth exploring is the Outpost Ruins, located to the northwest of the Temple of Time. Among the remnants of ancient structures, you may stumble upon a chest containing this trusty sword. Keep an eye out for Bokoblins guarding the area, though!

Eastern Hyrule

As you venture beyond the Great Plateau, the vast expanse of Eastern Hyrule awaits your exploration. This region is teeming with perilous enemies and hidden treasures, including the Traveler’s Sword.

Head south from the Great Plateau and make your way towards the Lake Tower. From there, journey towards the East Post Ruins, where you’ll find a group of dilapidated structures. Search the area carefully, and you may find yourself rewarded with a Traveler’s Sword hidden within a treasure chest.

Further to the east lies the Hopper Pond, a serene location surrounded by lush greenery. Dive into the pond and explore beneath its tranquil surface to discover a hidden underwater chest. To your delight, it may contain the Traveler’s Sword you seek.

Central Hyrule

Prepare yourself for a new set of challenges as you make your way to Central Hyrule. This central region is home to some of the most formidable enemies and hidden secrets. Fear not, for the Traveler’s Sword can be found amidst the chaos.

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One location worth exploring is the Outskirt Stable, located just west of the Central Tower. Rumor has it that a chest containing the Traveler’s Sword can be found near the stable. Chat with the locals and gather information to increase your chances of success!

Another hidden treasure awaits you at the Riverside Stable, situated near the Hylia River. Embark on a fishing adventure and catch a hearty fish to present to the friendly stable owner. In return, they might gift you a treasure chest, which could hold the coveted Traveler’s Sword.


Congratulations, brave adventurer! You’ve now uncovered the secret locations where the Traveler’s Sword can be found in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Remember, these are just a few of the possible spots where this legendary weapon may reside. Continue your exploration of Hyrule, and who knows what other remarkable discoveries await you!

Now, equip your newly obtained Traveler’s Sword and continue your quest to save Princess Zelda and restore peace to the land. May the Triforce guide your way!